mothers have accentuated and developed sixth feeling, on generality. The time
confirms the announced and the shimmer like prophecy on the elapse!
A generator,
since tender age accompanies the plain mania of the son. This, on the first
incautiousness and all instant, behold himself dangling on the heights!
recommendation, like presage, beholder itself effectuated: ‘Son! Descend from
there! Someday you will fall and shatter!’ The advisement, in the juvenile
wildfullness, was simplily ignored and useless!
matriarch, on the advanced age, departed to the rest. The comrade, in middle to
the courage and ability of the height, make one’s way towards on the building
construction. Works and works sum up itself!
shop of trees beholder himself in other task, like odd-jobs. The plants, the
hundred on the cities and interiors, they beholder themselves harvested and
pruned. The pare include risked ascents!
pine tree, giant among the buildings and square places, claimed repairs. The
work, in the norms of security was employed on the task. This dared on the
fatality, on an exclusive sided was enough. The worker brooked himself on the
ground of the height to the base. The feared presage, after of five decades
confirmed itself!
prophecy accomplished to the letter. The mothers have accentuated sensibility.
This, of the results of the womb, they know the virtues and vicissitudes. The
hear unveil noble knowledge!
The abuses and the exaggeration inlay the germs of the
death. The modest and only lap, in moments and situations, revealed the
exclusive and the last!
Author: Guido Lang
Book:"Tales of the Everyday Experiences"
Translator: Leandro Matias Müller
Image Credit:
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