A citizen in the years of life came across a lot of people and situations. The experiences in the daily of the relationships taught knowledge and lessons!
The individual “conceited to the fraud and trickster” make disloyal and dubious businesses. He found some way out “of to pull the best of the roast to himself!”
The friends and relatives, on the countless relationships and transactions, started to have doubts of the expressed honesty. Any businesses ended in endless delays and rolls!
The individual in the start seemed to grow really in the material patrimony. This in only one shot seemed to advance ten steps in the proportion of the honests one!
The reality in a corner took to find another larger fraud. He of the tenth floor fell fast to the first! The strange smarter, he stoles the capital!
The life in the general lived of frights. This advanced two steps and retreated one; he gave one and retreated half... The luck saw itself counted in dropper or crumbs!
The stolen good like cursed and badly spoken, it does not suit to and to have! Easy wined money, fast it becomes empty to the drain! The smart comes across early some a more astute!
The person in this world picks that what he sows. A correction and honesty pass like philosophy and life beginning! The soul serenity as divine balm relapses on the correct and fair!
Author: Guido Lang
Book: “Simple Fragments of the Stories of the Daily of the Existences”
Translator: Leandro Matias Müller
Image credit: http://planetaazul.ning.com/profiles/blogs/a-luz-da-raz-o-e-o-poder-da-f?xg_source=activity