A family decided to move on the colonial lot. They of
the bottoms of the property moved close the general highway!
The facilities of access would enable possible a
series of conveniences. The light installation facilities of to drain the
production and the agile to go for a walk were the causes of the transfer.
The biggest problem on the long and strait lot resides
on the lack of water. The liquid, in the absence of a natural source, took to
improvisations and investments!
The human being knowledge in the absence of the water
tanks needed to think and to innovate! To create some sprightly predicable
solution before the adversity of the natural lack!
The aptitude with the absence of the net plumbing of
the community consisted to take advantage of the intercalated rains. The
onerous cisterns, as solids reservoirs they were built on the installation and
The system by some good years, worked satisfactorily.
The creation of the community net took the apparent retirement of the
installations. The reservations before the eventual problems on the community
of water stay valuable complements and reliefs!
The identical is applied to financial wisdom. The
saving to similarities of the cisterns see created on the period of the calms.
The deposits at that time of the fat cows supply the time of the months of the
scarce cows (droughts).
Some monthly reservations kept in the cisterns of the
savings are shown prudence to the bad weather of the existence. The values
except for undelayable needs are revealed an inexistent capital!
waterbed as reservoir in the daily of the expenses shows economy, prudence and
wisdom. A reserve fund, to the distances and dawns avoids thicken the beggars'
lines and users on the public services. The calm and tranquil old age on the
way of the undelayable misfortune requests the help of the financial cisterns!
Author: Guido Lang
Book: “Simple
Fragments of the Stories of the Daily of the Existences”
Leandro Matias Müller
Crédito da imagem: http://www.blogdawap.com.br/2013/05/28/a-pressao-da-agua-da-torneira-interfere-na-minha-lavadora-de-alta-pressao-wap/